

Este trabajo plantea que la inclusión de personas con discapacidad intelectual refuerza, gracias al impacto de su convivencia con sus respectivos entornos inclusivos, aquellos valores que los propios entornos pretendían promover al implementar políticas inclusivas. Es decir, más allá de constituir un ejercicio de justicia social, la inclusión supone un proceso de inversión en valores para la sociedad en su conjunto. Este proceso fomenta una sociedad más inclusiva en la que la diferencia es concebida como un factor de enriquecimiento y bienestar ahondando en valores como la tolerancia, la solidaridad y la igualdad.

El trabajo tiene como objetivo detectar y plasmar los principales elementos que permitan analizar el impacto en valores, atendiendo a cómo éstos son percibidos y experimentados por diversos agentes implicados. Para ello, el estudio se centra en la inclusión del colectivo de personas con discapacidad intelectual en tres ámbitos inclusivos diferentes: el laboral, el educativo y el socio-cultural.

El estudio se ha llevado a cabo a través de una doble aproximación cualitativa. Por un lado, se han realizado varias entrevistas en profundidad a personas relacionadas, en distinto grado y naturaleza, con la implementación de políticas inclusivas en los ámbitos mencionados. Por otro lado, se han realizado también una serie de grupos de discusión que nos ha permitido acceder al discurso construido en torno al proceso inclusivo de personas con discapacidad intelectual por distintos colectivos implicados en él.

Las aportaciones recabadas serán volcadas en la plataforma tecnológica y serán el elemento principal que vertebrará el informe final en el que se expondrán las principales conclusiones de la investigación titulada “La discapacidad intelectual como fuente de bienestar social”.

Buying the Right Football Jerseys

In most cases, those who want to buy a football jersey do so because they want to make a fashion statement or to support their favorite player and/or team. If you are considering buying a football jersey for those reasons, the things that you should consider are very different than if you were looking to by a football jersey cheap jerseys to get rough out on the field. With that in mind, if you’re buying as an article of clothing, keep the following in mind:

Size: Don’t buy a football jersey the same way you would buy yourself a t shirt. Football jerseys should fit much differently. Having a jersey that is too big is better than having one that is too small. When wearing a football jersey, it should be loose fitting, hanging from the shoulders. Of course, don’t buy a size that is much too big for you either. Oh, and never tuck the jersey into your pants.

The Difference Between wholesale jerseys Authentic vs. Replica: Football jerseys, like most other sports jerseys, are available to the public in two forms. The “authentic” versions are much more expensive than the “replica” versions. Basically, authentic jerseys come with sewn on numbers and logos, whereas replicas wholesale jerseys are printed. A good quality replica is absolutely fine to buy, but if you have the extra money to spend, an authentic jersey lasts longer.

Consider Color: If you just don’t like the colors of your favorite team but are wiling to wear them anyway, go for it. If you just don’t think you could stand to wear the color, you can pick up the white version of the team’s jersey.

Longevity: Remember that National Football League (NFL), players are put on waivers, traded, and retire all the time. That being said, having the jersey of your favorite player may go “out of date” very quickly. It’s up to you if you want to buy a football jersey that reflects your favorite team or your favorite player!

If you want to purchase football jerseys as sports equipment then a different set of considerations come into play.

The way the football jersey fits is a huge consideration. If you’re going to play on the field, keep in mind that you will be wearing significant football equipment underneath. Put on the shoulder wholesale jerseys china pads that you would normally wear onto the field before trying on the jersey to make sure it will fit properly and not be too restricting. This is when durability is also a very important factor. Football is inherently a contact sport, with substantial wear and tear. Make sure that the materials are of good quality, and the stitching is top notch.Articles Connexes: